Apparently not. See the following from
*1password For Mac And Iphone 11
*1password Mac Iphone 同期
An update to the standard mobile version of 1Password for the iPhone awaits App Store approval. 1Password for Mac costs $40 and requires OS X 10.5 or higher, and 1Password Pro 3.5 costs $15. Best password manager to use for 2020: 1Password, LastPass and more compared. Ditch the sticky notes and get peace of mind. One of our favorite password managers can be your first defense against. It sounds like you're having trouble with Wi-Fi sync between 1Password on your Mac and on your iPhone. Is that correct? If so, and if it was previously working, please try disabling Wi-Fi sync in 1Password on your iPhone (from the 1Password app, go to Settings Sync Sync Service Disable Sync).Now try setting up Wi-Fi sync again, making sure you follow the steps here. Learn about the upgrade options for 1Password 7 on your Mac. The newest version of 1Password for Mac was released in May 2018. 1Password 7 for Mac is available as part of a 1Password membership or as a standalone license. It supports 1Password accounts and advanced sync options, like iCloud, Dropbox, and the WLAN server. 1Password was built for iOS 12, with full support for Face ID and tight integration with Password Autofill. Or with your fingerprint 1Password also works with Touch ID, making it easy to access your passwords and data on the move.The recent release of iCloud Drive for Windows allows files to be shared between Macs and PCs. For some apps, this allows for cross-platform sync. However, our new sync system does not actually work by storing files in iCloud Drive; it uses a different technology called CloudKit. iCloud Sync remains exclusive to Mac and iOS at this time.
Other sync options are discussed at For Mac And Iphone 111password Mac Iphone 同期
Feb 7, 2016 9:12 AM